Saturday, July 5, 2008

Silence Of The Portuguese

Gone are the days of me in a room full of Portuguese listening to them all jabber away in a language that sounds like Russian, but looks more like Spanish...

Last Monday Bruno told our boss, Pete, that he would be moving back to Portugal. This was, of course, not the first time I had heard of this. It wasn't exactly planned, but with Bruno's girlfriend back in Portugal it had been on his mind for a while. An opportunity came up that he just couldn't pass up, which would allow him to live in Portugal and earn a reasonable amount of money (the main reason why Bruno was in Ireland in the first place was because he was having to work very long hours for very little pay in Portugal). So, without the money bit holding him back he really didn't have anything holding him back from going home. Except the new friends he had made here...

Bruno, is the best friend I have made here in Ireland, so this isn't going to be an exit filled with roses and least not for me. I have found having a good friend at work to really helps in getting through the day. Suffice it to say, those days are just going to be a little harder now.

I am happy for him though. No really. It is really something that he needs to do. And our apartment just isn't big enough to kidnap and hold someone indefinitely...

You never know. Maybe he will hate the beautiful son, and beaches, and his girlfriend, and he will come back...

Yeah...probably not!

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